The Punjab ration card list is a database of all the ration cards issued in the state. The Food and Civil Supplies Department of Punjab maintains the list. The list includes the following information:
The name of the cardholder
The address of the cardholder
The type of ration card
The number of members in the household
The date of issue of the ration card
The status of the ration card (active or inactive)
Punjab Ration Card List 2024: Check EPDS Ration Card Status Online
Punjab Ration Card List Check 2024
The Punjab ration card list is available online on the website of the Food and Civil Supplies Department. You can search for your name or address on the list to see if you are eligible for a ration card. If you are not on the list, you can apply for a ration card by submitting the required documents to the Food and Civil Supplies Department.
The Punjab ration card list is an important tool for ensuring that everyone in the state has access to affordable food. The list helps the government to track the number of ration cards that have been issued and to identify families who need assistance. The list also helps to ensure that the government's food distribution programs are running smoothly.
Here are the steps on how to check your name in the Punjab ration card list:
Go to the official website of AePDS, Punjab.
On the home page, click on the "Month Abstract" button.
On the new page, select the appropriate month.
Once done, a district-wise list will appear on the screen.
Click on the appropriate district to view the inspector-wise list along with FPS ID and RC Number.
Once you get the list, you can scroll through it to check the names of your family members.
If you cannot find your name on the list, you can contact the Food and Civil Supplies Department of Punjab to inquire about your status.